Sunday 2nd May MoochI am having a mooch on the south side of Mount Snowdon to investigate a copper mine which lies just to the west of the Watkin path.
There is a walk of around 1 hour to reach the entrance to the mine (up hill obviously) and there are no guarantees of what might be found upon arrival.
There is a significant incline to the mine and I would expect it to be a reasonable adventure. Assuming the mine is accessible, I would also expect water to (probably) knee depth or higher at the entrance.
There are “levels” marked around that area on the map and, time permitting, a surface mooch (and underground explore where possible) is also on the cards.
Everyone/Anyone is welcome to come along for the walk and I intend to be at the gate at the beginning of the Watkin path at 10:00am on Sunday.
There is a pay&display car park very close by (just past Llyn Gwynant on the Beddgelert road)
If the weather is BAD I won’t be going (slight drizzle doesn’t constitute “bad”).
If you would like to come along, either just turn up or let me know in advance so I can be certain to wait/meet you.