LocationSJ190 655
DirectionsMake your way to the sewage works at Cilcain and park in the woodland recess just before the road terminates. Walk along the road to the end (by the sewage works building) and pop into the woodland to join the footpath. Take the footpath that heads back on yourself but also heads UPWARDS (not the one that stays low) until it meets a mettle road (track). Follow this road for only a short distance (onwards) and the shaft is at the side of the road (track) on the left.
AccessUn-gated. Permission requirement unknown
Suggested EquipmentFull SRT. At least 200 feet of rope and probably more.
Flood riskUnknown
Shaft AttributesA substantially sized shaft of at least 200 foot depth. Excellent ginging at least at the top.
DescriptionA significant shaft of unknown depth but at least 200 feet.
So far, this shaft is unexplored but It is possible that;
1) There may be adits running off at different heights
2) It may connect to a blocked adit entrance very close to Valentine shaft (the upper entrance to Ogof Nadolig)
3) It may connect to the lower series of Nadolig
4) It may connect to a much smaller (and unexplored) shaft also close to Valentine shaft (between the two nadolig entrances and on the same lateral)
5) It may connect to the blocked adit in Nadolig Mine #2
6) It may connect somewhere else.
The fact is, right now, I don’t know
Unexplored PassagesIt is entirely unexplored
LinksNone known